The Application of Google Drive Instructional Media in Language Learning

  • Moorad Abdul Hakeem Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Google Drive, e-learning based education, instructional media


The current research examined the e-learning process conducted in five senior high schools at Al-Hawiyah District, Ta’if. It aims at examining the application of Google Drive instructional media in language learning. This research takes advantage of fast technological developments and information, namely the internet system in the field of e-learning based education. There are many teaching strategies or methods to improve the quality of learning and teaching better. The Google Drive instructional media is one of the e-learning based education media that can be used to make teaching-learning process better. This researcher involved 25 students randomly chosen from those five different schools as the sample. The researcher interviewed five of them to investigate the use of the Google Doc, a Google application related to text editing similar to MS Word. From the result of the data analysis, that learning media is effectively used to achieve the e-learning based education.


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How to Cite
Hakeem, M. A. (2021). The Application of Google Drive Instructional Media in Language Learning. JELITA, 2(2), 95-104. Retrieved from